Interesting web links:
-, a great read detailing Sue Barry's journal back to binocular vision at age 48 (never to old to learn)
-, the Optometric Extension Foundation
Pub Med: a searchable database on medical knowledge and research
Twitter: eyehalley
ACBO, the Australian College of Behavioural Optometrists
Optometry Australia
Driver Licence links:
Price & costing links:
These medications can be prescribed under the PBS by Malinda
The eye care 2014 - 2015 Budget cuts & changes that come into effect 1 Jan 2015 (scroll down to 'Medicare')
We can refer you to the Centre for Eye Health for any specialised testing at no charge
Shellharbour Public Hospital offers it's Operating Suites to some of our local eye surgeons for procedures such as eye lid repair and cataract surgery. We can arrange referal for these surgeons, who also take turns to roster the on-call emergency duties each day.
Less interesting web links, but they had to go somewhere:
The guidelines for shared care of patients with glaucoma (between us and your ophthalmologist)
The rules of social media that all health practitioners must abide by
A PDF list of all the scheduled medicines that therapeutically registed optometrists like Malinda can prescribe
Please report a dead link if you find one, thanks !